The backend of AstroPlant is a cloud-based solution based on Microservices architecture.
We use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to perform all the backend processing.
The backend consists of the following elements:
The api gateway is the REST interface to retrieve data from the database and data about IOT things. At this moment the API is very limited. You can get info about a kit, and retrieve the latest datapoints. Based on further development of the AstroPlant this API can be extended.
Current API endpoints:
These functions are stand alone micro-services. These functions can be called by AWS IoT, API Gateway and DynamoDB triggers. Check out the code for the current lambda functions.
Each AstroPlant kit is a ‘thing’ in AWS IoT. Using key certificates, it is possible to connect the raspberry directly with AWS IOT. This makes it possible to send data to the online AWS IoT thing. The message broker at AWS IoT handles the request. In most cases this will be the storage of data in the database.
The database is a noSQL database. The structure is at the moment:
id: {kit id},
details: {
id: {id},
ip: {latest ip address},
admin: {email},
description: {kit description}
data: {
sensor1: [{
timestamp: {time},
value: {value}
sensor2: [{
timestamp: {time},
value: {value}
sensor3: [{
timestamp: {time},
value: {value}
sensor4: [{
timestamp: {time},
value: {value}
Login to your AWS console
Got to the AWS IOT Service
Create a new thing
Create a certificate for the new thing Download the three certificates and activate the root certificate
Copy the certificates to the /certs/ folder on the raspberry pi. Keep them safe and secure!
Create a policy for the certficate and attach it to the certificate
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iot:*",
"Resource": "*"